Saturday, March 31, 2007


She attends a speech. She is seated next to one of her classmates with her arm behind him. She looks at this classmate as a little brother. She looks around the room and she notices him looking at her. He is not just looking at her he is looking at her with an intensity that takes her breath away. But she can’t act like she is looking at him. She looks around a few minutes later and he is still just staring at her. She starts chatting with her classmates. Later she looks around but he is gone.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Back to School

School started back again and she happened to see him when she was walking to the soda machine. She did not know what to say. She played it cool and kept walking. He stopped her and told her thank you for the card. She just looked at him. She wondered why he could not tell her thank you earlier. She wondered what was on his mind and did he think about the card during those earlier weeks. His friends were leaving so he did not stay and talk, which disappointed her. She wanted to talk to him and felt second choice.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Okay So I Will Bite

The guy than begin telling A that he loved her. A did not take this serious because they were not dating not even friends. Again, she did not see him for a while. The next time she asked him why he did not give her a hug. She did not want to admit that maybe she wanted him in her life or maybe she was not aware. He hugged her and told her that he loved her. She told him that she loved him too.

One day out of the blue she saw him and he grabbed her hands and intertwined their fingers. He then proceeded to stare into her eyes for a while. He kept looking at their hands and her eyes. A did not know what was going on or how to react. He then let out a sigh and walked away. A did not know what to make of the event that had just occurred.

A did not see him for the rest of the semester. However, she wondered what it all meant, so she sent him a card saying love you. She chose not to say I love you because she is not sure that she does. She checked her e-mail by the minute waiting for him to open his card. When she finally got notice that he had opened it she prayed that he would not show it to anyone and also wondered what his response would be. She thought maybe he would call her or maybe he would e-mail her about the card. Almost 30 days went by and she never heard from him

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Beginning

Okay so A met this guy in one of her classes. Initially she did not pay him any attention. He was always late to class and his dress was unremarkable. They ended up talking by accident when she sat near him at a speech. They often did not agree and made opposite comments. The girl still did not pay him any attention. Days later she was having a conversation with one of his acquaintances and he told her that he had told the guy about a conversation they had had. A did not pay attention to the comment that the two friends were discussing her.

A began to pay the guy more attention as she was trying to get to know her classmates. She would talk to him after class. A month went by and she really did not pay him any attention. After not speaking to him for a while she happened to see him in the common area with his friends. She teased him and he got real sensitive. His friends thought that it was funny. She would speak to him after class but not much more.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Writing Can Be a Pain

This reminds me of the first day of law school. What the heck was that professor saying.

Law School or Junior High

Law school reminds me a lot of high school, junior high school. You have your class sections, lockers, you bring your lunch, and carry an over stuffed backpack.

Relationships, whether romantic or platonic, are the same. Does he like me, does she like me? I am waiting for the point when someone passes a note that says do you like me and then two squares with yes and no written respectfully. And of course the note would be written in crayon.
Those afternoon soap operas that law students are too busy to watch - who needs them. You have fellow law students to watch make fools of themselves.