Thursday, April 5, 2007

If It Makes You Happy ... It Can't Be That Bad At All

She sees the guy a week or two later. They are still not speaking. She is in her workout clothes and her shoelace has come undone. The guy is outside talking with some of her friends. She feels his eyes on her as she walks with her professor. She sees him looking at her. She meets with her professor. She sees him and the friend waiting outside. She starts speaking to another classmate because she is not sure if she wants to speak to the guy or how she wants to handle it. She knows she wants to talk to the guy, but she is nervous and shy. She then speaks to the friend. They talk about the brief and other things. The guy quietly makes comments about how she is conservative. They then discuss the brief. She starts laughing with the friend about various cases and research and how after receiving feedback on their previous paper assignment she was smiling like a Chester cat. He complains about how he can’t find the case that the class is talking about. She keeps giving him clues without giving him the answer. He starts panicking about not being about to find the case.

She and the guy start arguing again. The friend just looks at each of them like he is looking at a tennis match. The friend is laughing. They guy starts pouting and goes into the office and sits on the couch. He is acting like such a brat. She continues to talk to the friend. She asks the friend why the guy behaves the way he does. The friend admits that the guy is a little high strung. The guy comes back and joins the conversation for a little bit. The professor is ready to see him so she say to him to go and brown nose with the professor. He gets upset and says that she insulted him. She tells him that she did not insult him. Considering that she was the first to meet with the professor that would make her the brownnoser but he does not catch the irony.

Later that day, she goes to the library. She sees him in the computer lab, but acts like she does not see him. Instead she sees a male acquaintance of hers. She goes and sits next to him. She knows that the guy is watching, but she is also watching the guy. She starts telling the male how she hates guys. He keeps asking her why. She gets up and picks up documents making sure the guys sees her. He is paying attention. He leaves and she is disappointed. He then returns. Instead of sitting on the opposite side of the room, which is where he was earlier, he picks the chair that is closest to her. He is watching them. She mentions how she hates guys and they make her sick. The male keeps asking her and she mentions that she will tell him later. The male notices her looking at the guy as he leaves. The guy does not look happy.