Friday, May 4, 2007

Bush plans to veto first hate crimes protection for homosexuals

Apparently Bush is threatening to veto a bill that was voted on and passed by members of the House to expand the original hate crime bill to include sexual orientation, gender, and gender's identity.. Have to love how Dubya uses the constitution to serve his purpose when convenient. What about freedom of speech and the right not to be discriminated against or bashed. What happened to those Christian values. Guess that only applies when it is convenient.This bill would be the first bill to extend hate crimes protection to homosexuals - Bush says he plans to veto the bill because it infringes on free speech. All of a sudden now he wants to leave it up to the States to decide. How quickly he forgets about trying to amend the Constitution just a few years ago. Do not recall him mentioning freedom of speech then.

The Christian Right is attempting to wield its power and influence. What happened to the separation of church and state. Somehow in the last few years those lines have been significantly blurred.

If you want to obtain more information on hate crimes or hate crimes bill please visit this hate crime information site. Also, contact your Senator and Representatives. The Senate is expected to pass a similar bill. Show The Decider that the American people are the ultimate Deciders.