Monday, May 7, 2007

Middle-Class Life Under Bush: Less Affordable and Less Secure

At what point with the middle class, particularly those supporting Dubya realize that he has hurt them more than Clinton's blow job ever did.

The Democratic Policy Committee have published a study that should leave any middle or lower class American spitting mad and ready to throw Dubya and those in Congress out of Washington. Quote of the day "Middle-class families are working harder and earning less today than they were at the start of the Bush Administration. "

Wonder whether such comments as Worst job creation record since Hoover Administration. A growing economy should be good news for those seeking jobs. But over the course of President Bush’s term in office, his Administration has the worst overall job creation record since Herbert Hoover more than 70 years ago will finally get those Red staters and Dixie Chick haters to see reason. Do they have to be completely destitute before reality sinks in?

Or what about "Bush’s deficit-financed tax cuts have widened the income gap between millionaires and middle-class workers. " Maybe Bush supporters from the middle and lower class do not mind having to work harder for less and paying for millionaires to have one extra yacht.

And as far as those christian values that Dubya loves to, actually, used to brag about. How could a professed christian allow more than 5.4 million Americans to enter the realms of poverty while on his watch. And while Dubya is so concerned about the oil, oops meant the Iraqi people, and millionaires why is 1 out of every 6 child living in poverty. A superpower, the only superpower, does not allow its children to live in poverty.

It is going to take decades maybe centuries to undo what this "administration" has done and what Congress and the American people have allowed to be done to this country and its citizens.